Learn Digital Signal Processing.
- Structured learning path for absolute beginners interested in audio.
- No knowledge of maths, programming, or music theory required: start from scratch and gain DSP intuition quickly.
- Easily learn the necessary basics to become an audio programmer and understand music tech.
- Learning DSP on your own is difficult⌠But doesnât have to be.
Want To Become A Software Developer In The World Of Audio?
You want or need to learn the basics of digital audio signal processing. It can be for a variety of reasons:
- maybe you are a sound engineer who would like to create their own plugins and use them in the studio,
- maybe you are a programmer (desktop/mobile/web) with a keen interest in music and you are wondering what you need to learn to start writing software specific for audio,
- maybe you are a musician or a composer who would like to transition into a software developer position or you would like to simply understand better what happens under the hood of sound synthesizers and audio plugins,
- maybe you are a student who is struggling with their university DSP course, has a poor lecturer, or would like to prepare for the exam and pass with a good grade,
- maybe you want to land your first audio programming job,
- maybe you already write audio software but you feel that you lack the necessary basics.
In any of these cases, you found it very difficult and frustrating to learn DSP on your own...
Let's Face It: Learning DSP On Your Own Is Difficult.
Having your DSP questions answered takes time and frustration. Above all, itâs not fun and music-related stuff should always be fun.
How much time in total you spend looking up DSP terms? How much money does it cost you?
For example, I value my hour at 200 euro. If I spend 3 hours a week looking for information, I waste 600 euro. Thatâs quite a lot, if you ask me.
Now, imagine that you could read an audio-related blog post or a research paper and implement the presented application right away.
Imagine that you could quickly detect why your audio software is not behaving properly.
Imagine that you could start working the audio industry as a programmer and earning as an audio developer.
Maybe you love computer games and would like to work in the area of game audio. Thatâs definitely achievable, in fact, one of my clients reported to me that the game industry is still hungry for game audio developers.
Maybe you have a hobby project and would like to easily incorporate sound into it.
Or maybe you have an idea for a great new sound synthesizer or an audio plugin, one that would perfectly fit your creative needs. Imagine you could start implementing it right away.
That is possible now, thanks to the "DSP Pro" online course.
What Is The "DSP Pro" Online Course?
- Single most approachable video online course on the topic of digital audio signal processing.
- The only audio-focused DSP course on the web for aspiring audio programmers, musicians, sound engineers, university students, and non-audio programmers alike.
- Proven results: learn digital audio basics even if you aren't good at maths, music, or programming.
- Better than textbooks: easily understand all presented concepts thanks to rich visuals and simple, down-to-earth explanations.
- Better than university courses: learn from ground up (no prerequisites!), watch the lessons at any time, speed up the playback up to 2x, repeat as many times as you want, and enjoy future course extensions!

Why Choose The "DSP Pro" Online Course?
By going through the course, you will learn:
- Never-fail strategies for FIR and IIR filter design.
- Secret to efficient and stable filter implementation.
- The basis for more advanced topics like Virtual Analog modeling or deep learning.
- Crucial steps to implement DSP algorithms in an audio plugin or other software.
- Experience-backed strategies of the most successful audio programmers and researchers for handling audio data.
- How to uncover the hidden dimension of any audio signal.
- You think that to sample a signal properly, you need to use the sampling rate at twice its frequency? Wrong! Go through the course to understand how to do sampling right.
Topics Covered

DSPÂ Fundamentals
- Analog vs digital signals
- Audio processing path
- Sampling
- Aliasing
- Floating-point vs integer samples
- Audio buffer processing
- Delay
- DSP Diagrams
- Clipping

Signal Analysis
- Loudness
- Pitch
- Decibels
- Sinusoid
- Phase
- Complex numbers
- Complex exponentials
- Fourier series
- Fourier transform
- Discrete Fourier transform
- Fast Fourier transform
- Window functions
- Spectrogram
- DSP's Heisenberg principle

Filters And Effects
- Impulse response
- Convolution
- Finite impulse response (FIR) filters
- Infinite impulse response (IIR) filters
- Z-transform
- Transfer function
- Frequency response
- Magnitude response
- Phase response
- Zeros and poles of a filter
- FIR filter design
- IIR filter design
- Analog filters
- Biquad
- Comb filters
- Vibrato
- Flanger
- Chorus
- Reverb
- Slapback/doubling
- Echo

Who Am I And Why Should You Trust Me?
My name is Jan Wilczek and I am an audio software developer and a consultant for audio plugins and Android audio apps in programming languages like C, C++, Python, MATLABŽ, Java, and Kotlin.
Since 2019, I've been running a YouTube channel, a podcast, and a blog on audio programming: TheWolfSound.com. I have personally helped clients from all around the world transition from roles of musicians, sound engineers, software developers, and composers into the world of audio programming, and land their first audio programming jobs.
I spoke at conferences like Digital Audio FX 2022 in Vienna and Audio Developer Conference 2022 in London.
My formal training was done in Acoustic Engineering and Computer Science at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and in Advanced Signal Processing & Communications Engineering at the University of Erlangen-NĂźrnberg, Fraunhoffer IIS ("home of mp3") in Germany, and the Aalto University in Finland.
"If Only I Had Known You Earlier..."
These people faced learning digital audio signal processing on their own and struggled. Learn what they have to say about WolfSound coaching and the DSP Pro online course.

Urs Bollhalder
Professional pianist and music composer from Switzerland
I cannot imagine how much work went into this...
I get asked all the time how to learn DSP... I have always been ready to recommend Jan and his YouTube channel but now I have a go-to resource for anyone!

Nic Bretz
 Senior C# developer from the USA
Before I met Jan, I had purchased 15 books on DSP and watched tons of YouTube tutorials. However, nothing compares to the possiblity of directly asking questions and having them answered right away.
The course is exactly what I needed when I was starting out my hobby interest in audio processing.

Oberon Day-West
Sound engineer and DSP student from the UK
Did Christmas come early?!
I'm really enjoying the course! It's a good pace, easy enough to grasp and the quiz questions really add a level of interactivity which makes it so much more than a video series.
Great job and it's so exciting!
"What do you think about the course? Would you recommend it to others?"
See what Nic and Oberon have to say about the "DSP Pro" online course...
How Much Does It Cost To Learn DSP?
- Average price of a general-purpose (non-audio) DSP textbook: âŹ
- Time needed to read just one general-purpose DSP textbook: 19 hours and 4 minutes
- Cost of Digital Audio Engineering Master's degree at the University of West London for foreign students (1 year):Â ÂŁ14 750
- Cost of Sound and Music Computing Master's degree at Queen Mary University of London for foreign students (1 year): ÂŁ26 750Â
Still Not Sure If The Course Is For You?
WolfSound's Rock-Solid 30-Day Hassle-Free 100% Money Back Guarantee
You go through the course. You learn the digital audio basics, the filters, the audio effects, the windowing functions and apply them to your professional or hobby projects. You feel your confidence grow and you find yourself tackling more and more advanced audio processing algorithms. Digital signal processing is not confusing anymore and you feel excited learning every new topic, thinking of where to apply it next.
I do my best to deliver top-quality course content and expand it constantly based on audience feedback. Your satisfaction is my top priority. I am sure that the video lessons will help you move toward your goals of understanding audio programming or even becoming an audio software developer. In fact, I am so confident in the course content that if you are not satisfied, I refuse to keep your money.
If you don't like the video lessons, the mp3, the PDFs, and the quizzes and don't want to provide feedback to improve them, you can get a full refund within up to 30 days after the purchase. Just send an email to jan.wilczek at thewolfsound.com and I will do the refund as soon as I get your message. No strings attached, no forms to fill, no hassle.
This means I am taking 100% of the risk of your purchase: that's because I believe you will love the course and will benefit immensely from it.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get a VAT invoice for purchasing the course?
Do I need to know any programming language/mathematics/music theory to go through the course?
How long is the course?
What if I buy the course and I donât like it?
Are there any similar courses available?
What are the alternatives to this course?
What do I need to go through the course?
Should I learn DSP or C++/Python first?
Is there a discount for students?
Do I need to have a university background to go through the course?
I want to learn DSP for image processing. Is the course right for me?
I am a programmer not involved in audio. Will I understand the course?
What are the deliverables of the course?
Make The Right Choice
Anyone can learn digital audio signal processing from scratch by going through the "DSP Pro" online course.
I've shown you the proof that it works for others, and it will work for you too.
You know that with WolfSound's Rock-Solid 30-Day Hassle-Free 100% Money Back Guarantee you are completely protected and risk-free.
And you won't be alone in going through the course. I will there, holding your hand with each and every video, each and every script, each and every quiz and mp3 recording.
Will you decide to follow your passion for music and audio? I hope you will make the right choice.
P.S. Don't Wait Until It Gets More Expensive
The course is constantly expanded with new modules and lessons at no cost for members.
Why wait until the price increases?
Buy The Course At The Current Price